Shipwrecked Mff Mf anal creampie preg

From the imagination of Chase Shivers

June 12, 2016

Please read my Explicit Disclaimer before you read my work.

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Chapter 131: Back There

Chapter Cast:

Kal, Male, 38
- Narrator, disaster survivor and castaway
- Husband of Kate, Bailey, Keekah, and Amy, father of Katie
- 6'1, 190lbs, straight, shoulder-length dark-brown hair
Kate, Female, 37
- Wife of Kal and Amy
- 5'8, 150lbs, pale skin, shoulder-length curly red hair
Nina, Female, 26
- Lover of Kate, Kal, and Hakee
- 5'4, 120lbs, light-brown tanned skin, straight shoulder-length brown hair
Bailey, Female, 15
- Wife of Kal, mother of Katie
- 5'5, 130lbs, golden-brown tanned skin, shoulder-length light yellow-brown sun-streaked hair
Keekah, Female, 16
- Wife of Kal, pregnant, daughter of Manu, sister of Hakee and Mie, cousin of Poln
- 5'6, 145lbs, mocha-brown skin, waist-length mostly-straight black hair
Gale, Female, 43-44
- Wife of Tok
- 5'5, 130lbs, dark tanned skin, waist-length dark reddish-brown hair
Manu, Female, 33
- Survivor from Hahonoko, mother of Keekah, Hakee, and Mie, aunt of Poln
- 5'5, 150lbs, mocha-brown skin, butt-length straight black hair
Hakee, Female, 18
- Survivor from Hahonoko, daughter of Manu, sister of Keekah and Mie, cousin of Poln
- 5'9, 145lbs, mocha-brown skin, butt-length straight black hair
Mie, Female, 12
- Survivor from Hahonoko, daughter of Manu, sister of Keekah and Hakee, cousin of Poln
- 4'11, 100lbs, mocha-brown skin, shoulder-length wavy black hair
Poln, Male, 11
- Survivor from Hahonoko, nephew of Manu, cousin of Keekah, Hakee, and Mie
- 4'11, 115lbs, mocha-brown skin, short, wavy dark-brown hair
Tok, Male, 35
- Survivor from Hahonoko, husband of Gale
- 6'3, 205lbs, brown skin, shoulder-length wavy dark-brown hair
Amy, Female, 16
- Wife of Kal and Kate, pregnant
- 5'7, 130lbs, pale skin, shoulder-length straight black hair
Katie, Female, 36 weeks
- Daughter of Kal and Bailey, first baby born on island
- Infant, beige skin, sandy red hair
Amu (Amutoko), Male, 52
- Newcomer to the island, widowed hermit
- 5'6, 150lbs, medium-brown skin, tight-curly black hair
Kylana, Female, 15
- Uhonamonan visiting the island, sister of Hunamu, Tika, and Tila
- 5'8, 140lbs, dark-brown skin, long dark-brown hair in braids
Hunamu, Male, 14
- Uhonamonan visiting the island, brother of Kylana, Tika, and Tila
- 5'10, 150lbs, dark-brown skin, cropped curly black hair
Tika, Female, 13
- Uhonamonan visiting the island, twin sister of Tila, sister of Kylana and Humanu
- 5'4, 125lbs, dark-brown skin, wavy dark-brown back-length hair
Tila, Female, 13
- Uhonamonan visiting the island, twin sister of Tika, sister of Kylana and Humanu
- 5'4, 125lbs, dark-brown skin, wavy dark-brown back-length hair
Popko, Male, 20
- Uhonomonan native
- 5'10, 165lbs, dark-brown skin, short curly black hair

The bathhouse did, indeed, prove quite popular. Not long after Bailey and I dragged ourselves out of the tub and just started to dry off, Keekah and Amy came to check out what we were up to. Katie giggled in Amy's arms as my daughter's eyes took in the new room.

“So, you two broke in the new bath, I see?” Amy said with a smile, “and you missed a spot,” she added, pointing to Bailey's inner thigh. I glanced down and saw a thin trail of my semen which had survived the bath and was still clinging tightly to Bailey's skin. “I'll get that for you,” Amy suggested as she passed Katie to Keekah and got to her knees, lightly dabbing her tongue across Bailey's leg. “Mmm...”

I finished drying and took Katie from Keekah. “I'll go check on the heated water.”

We had yet to fully test out just how much wood to burn underneath, and for how long it needed to burn to get a full chamber of hot water. It had worked rather well for Bailey and I, the former fire just small clumps of blackened, smoldering coals. I added wood and stoked it back to life. I used the hand pump to ensure water was drawn up into the chamber. It should largely work on its own, but I knew from our other outlets for water that we often had to manually add pressure to the system to get things flowing.

I let Keekah and Amy know if would be a few minutes before the heated water was ready, then I carried Katie with me to drop our dirty clothes where we cleaned them. As I piled Bailey's bundle on top of my stack, I noticed she'd worn panties that day under the rugged work clothes we usually only donned when we wanted to avoid scratches during whichever task we were undertaking. I'd had opportunities to smell Bailey's dirty panties many times, and I was always greeted with a pungent treasure.

I pulled them sticky from her pants and pressed them against my nose. The fabric was moist and fragrant, full of rich, earthy scents, and also brine and acrid urine, a hint of her sweaty anus. I inhaled over and over, taking it all in, loving the way Bailey's body turned me on in so many different ways.

I remembered I was holding my daughter and felt awkward suddenly. Even after the times Bailey and I had enjoyed each other with Katie nearby, or even a few times while our infant daughter nursed from Bailey's swollen tit, Katie had reached a point, it seemed, where I was uncomfortable engaging in a sexual act with her watching.

I suppose it was that she was now about eight months old. Katie sat up and crawled. She'd come close to saying a real word once or twice. My daughter's eyes started to show that she was observing patterns and processes, curious about things, showing more than just the cheerful-but-absent look she'd had just a couple of weeks earlier.

Dropping Bailey's damp panties into the pile, I carried Katie back towards the fire and sat her in the make-shift pen Manu had constructed for us. It had a plastic bottom to keep Katie off the sand, but the wooden frame allowed her space to crawl around and small gaps where she could see out. I showed my daughter a small fish-like toy and she giggled. I handed it to her, and naturally, she tried to eat it. Thankfully, the toy had been designed for infants and it was too wide to do much damage.

A school of dolphins meandered just off shore as Bailey joined me near the fire where I was making an entry in my journal. Katie reached for her from the pen and Bailey picked her up. The girl started reaching for Bailey's breast and the fifteen-year let the child nurse. Suckling noises were soft and lovely, and I stood and wrapped my arm around Bailey's shoulder a moment.

“They are getting so close, Kal,” Bailey said quietly.

I knew she meant Keekah and Amy. “They sure are. Hard to believe, isn't it?”

“Not so hard, really.” Bailey shifted Katie to her other breast. “They are beautiful pregnant, don't you think?”

“Lovely, yes.”

Bailey eyed me a moment, then said, “it turns you on, doesn't it? Them being pregnant, I mean.”

I nodded, “Yes, it does. Something about a pregnant woman is very exciting to me.”

“More than before?”

I shook my head, “No, not at all. It's just... in a different way.”

“I guess I see it, too... each time I go down on Keekah or lick Amy's pussy... it's exciting to know there is a baby in there. And those curves... I just love the way Amy's belly has swollen. And, my god, Kal, Keekah's boobs have gotten huge!”

I grinned. “No doubt about it. I think she's rather proud of them.”

“Every time I see her, she wants me to touch them or suck on them,” Bailey laughed, “and, of course, I do!”

“Can't blame you for that,” I replied.

I sat and finished my journal entry then started to get supper ready. Keekah and Amy rejoined us looking very refreshed from their shared bath. “That was amazing,” Amy told me. Keekah nodded her agreement. They both needed to urinate, so together they shuffled to the East.

Just before darkness descended, Kylana returned to camp in a rush. “Manu's hurt,” she said, out of breath.

“What happened?” I demanded, beginning to rush in nervous anticipation.

“Her wrist,” the teen told us, “we think she broke her wrist.”

“Where is she?”

“At the cabin. Up North. She's okay. I came to get her pain pills.”

I glanced to the West to see the sun already starting to push down on the horizon. “I'll grab them. What else do you need?”

“Just that, I think,” Kylana replied.

I raced to where we kept our medical supplies and quickly put together a small pouch of painkillers, alcohol swabs, and one of the few cold packs we had left, the type which had to be broken in the middle to cause the chemicals to combine and chill quickly. I rushed back to Kylana.

“Here. Give me thirty seconds to get ready and I will go with you.”

She surprised me by shaking her head and saying firmly, “No, we can handle this, Kal.” She glanced to where Keekah and Amy were walking back from the surf. “Keep them safe here, please. Manu asked that you stay with them.”

I started to object but saw that she was right. I couldn't leave Bailey as the only non-pregnant person in camp for the night. In a worst-case scenario, they needed me more than those in the North. “Fine. You best get going. It's going to be dark soon, you'll not make it before the last light has faded. Be quick!”

Kylana nodded, hesitated only a second, then kissed me quickly before racing back into the treeline and disappearing into the forest.

I felt impotent as I stood staring into the trees. There wasn't anything I could do for Manu. But I was charged up, restless, unable to just ignore that one of my own family was suffering.

I hated that feeling.

- - -

Two days later, Manu came back to camp along with Kylana. The others stayed in the North to finish the last days in the fields. Manu's wrist was bound in a rough cast which Amu had fashioned from soft fibers, glue, and thin pieces of hard wood. After the first day, she had refused painkillers, but she did take anti-inflammatory pills to keep the swelling down. Despite her misfortune, her spirits were still high, though she was disappointed to have to stop her work on the fields and leave it to others. She didn't show it, but I knew she was already missing Amu, the man staying North with the others.

Since her arrival, Manu had been training us all how to handle injuries and illnesses. Other than a few fevers, colds, and Keekah's broken leg, we'd been fairly lucky and hadn't needed much in terms of medical care. Memories of Hona came to me when I thought back to the one time Manu had been unable to find a way fix our ills.

During Bailey's pregnancy, she'd taken on both Amy and Keekah as her apprentices to learn how to assist in the birthing process. Now that both were themselves approaching that moment, Manu insisted that others learn the skills. Bailey volunteered, as did Kylana. The woman immediately began to teach the two teens the many things they needed to know, the possible complications, and how to know when things were dire. I hoped they did not need the lessons in dealing with the serious issues Manu described.

She started her lessons in earnest the first night she was back in camp. After supper, while I rushed through the evening chores, the women huddled in Manu's shelter. I realized then how much I'd missed of Bailey's pregnancy. She'd been about 7 months along when I was kidnapped, and I had missed the last weeks of her term and the day of Katie's birth. I still hated not being there for my young wife when she went through those moments, but I was determined to do anything I could to be there for Amy and Keekah.

Manu insisted I'd have a role to play, but she wanted to get the others ready in case she was unable to take the lead. Manu claimed it would take four-to-six weeks for her wrist to heal, and that would be about the time both Amy and Keekah were due to deliver. In case Manu was unable to be fully hands-on, she needed to ensure that Bailey and Kylana knew how to handle things. It was important for our community that others knew these skills, but I didn't want to think about what we'd do should we ever lose Manu and her expertise.

Both pregnant teens had gone through periods of being extremely horny, alternating with days where they had no interest. After Manu's lessons that night, Keekah was clearly very aroused and joined me for a swim in the choppy surf. Her hands slid over my body as we played nude in the salty water. Her stomach had pushed out to be an extended bulge, showing just how far along she was. In eight weeks or so, she'd be due to give birth to our child.

I hugged her from behind and wrapped my hands around her swollen, heavy breasts. They'd more than doubled in size since she become pregnant, and I was certain they were still growing. Where before they'd been nice handfuls, now they overflowed my fingers and spilled down to rest on her upper abdomen. They had a lovely softness, a pliability which I couldn't stop caressing, and that just turned her on even more.

“Kowl... I want to bathe, with you, now.”

“I'd love that. I'll go get the heating fire going.”

“Mmm... hurry!” she said as she pulled from me and made her way ahead of me to rinse off before entering the bathhouse.

I ensured the cook fire was put down for the night and made my way to where we rinsed off with the fresh water to avoid bringing too much sand into our shelters. Bailey and Amy had already settled in for the night. I could hear Bailey reading a story, probably to Katie. Manu was sleeping in her shelter. There was no sign of Kylana.

I stepped around the bathhouse and found the fire already burning hot. Back inside, I saw that Kylana was relaxing in the hot water, Keekah nude and sitting beside the basin, washing the teen's hair gently. Two candles cast long, shimmering shadows around the room. I stood and watched a moment, enjoying how innocent and lovely the two looked.

Keekah spotted me and motioned me to join them. Kylana smiled and sat up more, her breasts swaying softly, wet, her dark nipples taunt and covered with goosebumps. “I was just leaving,” Kylana said as she started to rise.

My pregnant wife put a hand on her shoulder, saying, “Stay. Please. We'd like that.”

Kylana looked at me and I nodded my agreement. The teen smiled and sat back down in the water, opening the hot water line and letting the scalding liquid flow into the tub.

I helped Keekah settle in carefully, then sat in next to her. The basin was big enough for a few people, but three, one of which being pregnant, was a perfect, intimate number. As the hot water poured in, hands moved slowly over slick skin. I caressed Keekah's shoulders a while as Kylana stroked her thighs, soon exploring the pregnant teen's hairy, sensitive folds. I slid Keekah between my legs and it gave Kylana a better angle for touching my wife's pregnant pussy.

Keekah sighed as we explored her body. I caressed her heavy breasts, cupping them and gently squeezing them, teasing her nipples as they expanded and swelled to my touch. Kylana's hand petted her genitals, stroking Keekah's clit. The pregnant teen began to roll her hips and moan loudly, soon climaxing as Kylana's fingers found just the right spot inside her vagina.

My cock was pressing against Keekah's back as she relaxed from her orgasm. Kylana smiled, sweating in the hot water, her own dark skin glistening and beautiful in the soft candlelight in the room. Keekah moved her foot forward and used her toes to stroke Kylana's inner thighs. The girl spread her legs slightly, shifting back, and leaned her body against the edge of the basin, opening herself even further.

Keekah explored the teen's thighs a moment before pressing her foot into Kylana's crotch below the water. I slowly stroked my cock against Keekah's back as my wife began to penetrate Kylana's vagina with her toe. The girl seemed to enjoy the sensations, and pressed her body against Keekah's foot. She started to ride slowly, circling, using her fingers to caress her own breast, her other hand dropping to touch her clit.

It was a wildly erotic sight. I could barely see the action below the surface, but the way Kylana's body moved made it clear that she was enjoying being penetrated by Keekah's toes. My pregnant wife was purring as she pressed her foot forward, and was soon rewarded with Kylana's cries of pleasure.

I felt myself growing closer even as I was just idly jacking myself against Keekah's skin. I let go my length and raised out of the basin, then knelt down just outside and leaned in to kiss Keekah as Kylana's orgasm crashed in.

I felt a hand grip my cock and I saw that Kylana's glazed eyes were staring at my groin. She stroked me slowly, then moved forward to take me into her mouth, dislodging Keekah's foot from her pussy. Keekah shifted carefully, then brought her face close, as well, and together, the teens slobbered along my length, sharing my dick. I was in heaven.

Before I could cum, Keekah motioned for my help, and I gave her hand up to stand and step out of the tub. She dripped, her skin beautiful and wet. I kissed her again and felt Kylana take my cock deep into her mouth. Keekah got down on her hands and knees and took my penis from the girl, sucking it a moment before she told me, “in me, Kowl... in me...”

I rose and knelt behind my pregnant wife, the teen's pussy still dripping from the hot bath water. I easily slid inside her swollen lips and slipped deep into her vagina. The teens kissed as I began to fuck Keekah's cunt, soon moving quickly to rut with my young wife. I watched Kylana's fingers move over Keekah's head, stroking her hair as she met her lips. It was a lovely moment between them, and it sent me into a rush of thrusts and spasms.

I'd not cum in a couple of days, and I quickly blasted a voluminous load of cum into Keekah's very pregnant vagina. I filled her in thick spurts, holding her waist as I spewed my seed. Kylana watched me with glazed eyes, one hand slowly moving between her own legs.

I pulled out of Keekah and sank back, watching my cum drip from between her lovely dark labia. Kylana stood and moved behind my wife, soon lapping up the cream she found there, and thanks to the way she'd quickly learned how to eat pussy, Kylana had Keekah shuddering in another climax moments later.

I had a wonderful view of Kylana's upturned ass as she ate Keekah through her orgasm and didn't slow down, pressing her nose into my wife's anus a moment before drawing her tongue up to rim her, drawing more moans of pleasure. I rose to my knees and stroked my half-hard penis.

Taking Kylana's hips in my hands, I pulled her up a bit so that I could fit against her. A moment later, I slid into the fifteen-year old's tight vagina and found myself fucking her rapidly. Keekah was tiring on her hands and knees and rolled onto her back, bringing her legs up over Kylana's shoulders, allowing the girl to keep her face pressed between Keekah's pregnant thighs.

I looked down and watched my penis sliding in and out of Kylana's tight hole. Her dark hairs were wet and trailed along my length, sticking slightly as I moved. Even in the flickering candlelight, I could see Kylana's dark anus looking sexy and inviting, and while she had yet to ask me to fuck her there, I had touched her there a couple of times, and once had slipped the tip of a finger inside.

I slowed my strokes and massaged the girl's buttocks, smacking them lightly and eliciting her delighted moans. I wet my finger with my tongue and ran it around her soft, spongy asshole. She didn't react as I circled her tightest entrance and dipped the tip of my finger inside. I pushed deeper, pulling back to wet my finger again, then slipping back inside. My cock pulsed at the thrill. I'd never had my digit so far inside Kylana's ass before, and when she started to push her hips back against my penetration, I knew she was enjoying it.

For long moments, I fingered her ass while I fucked her pussy, barely holding back my ejaculation. I decided to see if she wanted me to try something new.

I pulled my cock out of her slick, hairy pussy and rested it along her ass crack. I stroked against her anus a few times, caressing her buttocks, squeezing them with my fingers. Keekah was climaxing again, her cries echoing in the room to my delight. When my wife's orgasm subsided, Kylana looked back at me with expectation, as if she knew what I wanted to do.

She watched me silently, Keekah's juices covering her face, as I drew saliva to my cock and made sure her butthole was wet. Her eyes never left mine as I pressed the head of my dick against her anus, feeling it yield very slowly. Only when my penis slipped in an inch too quickly did Kylana's eyes flicker and close. She let out a gasp and braced herself.

Keekah leaned up and seemed to understand what was happening. She ran her hands around Kylana's head and pulled her onto her ample chest, smiling at me mischievously. Keekah had taken me in her ass many times, and she knew well the combination of pleasure and discomfort the act brought her.

I held still a moment, nearly spewing my load in excitement. I let my cock soften just a touch, enough that I could press forward again. Kylana's anus dilated only barely, but I was able to slide deeper. She cried out in discomfort and I held still again, trying to let her get used to the sensation.

Kylana clenched, nearly pushing me out, and I heard her whimper. I started to pull out, but her hand shot back and pressed against my thigh, encouraging me to stay inside her.

Slowly, very slowly, she started to move, and her body began to relax. My cock slipped deeper into her rectum. The heat from Kylana's bowels overwhelmed me, the tight ring of her anus pulsing around my shaft. I wanted to properly fuck the girl's butthole, but my body had other ideas. I pushed forward once, heard her cry out, and I ejaculated my load into her ass. “Oh... God... Kylana... Oh... Oh... Oh... God... uhhhhhhhhhh... uhhhhh... ooooohh...”

Kylana grunted as my seed splashed in her bowels. I knew she couldn't actually feel my cum filling her ass, but I had no doubt that she felt the way my penis pulsed with each squirt, straining her anus's grip on my dick.

All too quickly, it was over. My dick burned inside Kylana's teen ass, and her body soon pushed me out, her tight hole closing almost immediatetly, but not before it gurgled wet sperm and trapped air out. A thin trail of semen ran down from her butthole to stick against her labia and in her matted fur.

I moved around and wrapped my arms around the teens, kissing Kylana deeply and thanking her.

“Sorry,” she said, “it felt too big.”

“Don't be sorry,” I told her, “you felt amazing. You're just really small back there. Really small.”

“I'll try again, with you. Unless you don't want?”

Keekah laughed. “Oh, he want. Trust me. I know this. He want.”

Kylana giggled, “well... I thought so, but I didn't know if I wasn't good enough...”

“Trust me,” I echoed Keekah, “you did great. It just takes patience. And practice. Right Keekah?”

“Lots of practice,” Keekah grinned. “We practice lots. I will give you my man to practice so when Kowl want you ass next, you ready.” She referred to the stone phallus she'd received on her fifteenth birthday as a present from her mother.

I kissed them both again, then used a small towel to wipe away the soiled semen around Kylana's anus. “Perhaps a quick dip in the bath to get clean?” I suggested. The teens both nodded and soon joined me in the still-warm water.

Afterwards, as Keekah and I started to head back to our shelter, I noticed Kylana looking uncertainly in our direction. We'd finished the new sleeping shelter so that she and her siblings could have a room of their own and wouldn't need to sleep in the common house. I glanced at Keekah, who seemed to understand.

“Kylana... would you like to sleep with us tonight? Kate's North, so we have room if you don't want to sleep alone.”

Her eyes lit up and she nodded. “I would like this.”

“Come on,” I said, taking her hand.

Keekah led the way. Inside, Amy and Bailey were asleep, Katie on Bailey's side. I settled beside Amy and wrapped around her. She stirred lightly but didn't wake. I then helped Keekah down onto the edge of the bed, and Kylana slipped between us. It was the second time the teen had curled up with me at night, and it was nice to feel her warm, young skin against mine as I pulled the blanket up over our bodies.

I kissed her cheek and Keekah did the same, then, after I wrapped my arm around Amy once again, I felt Kylana snuggle against my back and rest her hand on my thigh. I admit it was exciting knowing that the young girl still held the bulk of my load in her ass, having not excused herself to the toilet since we'd coupled.

I was quickly surrounded by light snores as I tried to find sleep. I don't know why the thought of my cum still being in Kylana's rectum turned me on, but it did, and it wasn't long before I was pushing my cock into Amy's ass from behind. My young wife woke slowly, moving gently against me as I sodomized her in the night. Like Keekah, Amy had taken me there many times, and I was able to root deep beyond her anus. I didn't last long, emptying a few thin jets of semen into her butt. She moaned and raised her hand to my cheek, whispered, “love you, Kal,” and was asleep before I softened enough to pull my sore cock out of her ass. Like Kylana, she was holding my load in her bowels all through the night. I smiled at the thought as I drifted off to sleep.

End of Chapter 131

Read Chapter 132